Thursday, February 16, 2012

Staff Sgt. Donna Smith, Community Hero

This week's Billy Johnson Community Hero is Staff Sergeant Donna Smith with the West Virginia National Guard. She was raised in Vulcan, West Virginia and graduated from Matewan High School. And, unlike many female graduates, Donna signed up for active duty in the United States Army right out of high school. After serving three years, she returned home to West Virginia where she raised a family. In recent years, however, she re-enlisted in the West Virginia National Guard, and with her two daughters still in high school, she was deployed to Iraq.
We hear stories every day about the horrible conditions there, and about how the people of Iraq are suffering. However, Staff Sgt. Smith noticed another group of people who needed attention...her own troops! "It would break my heart to see when mail time came that they would stand there and get nothing. I saw these people not receiving things, so I called some churches back home and I called some schools. I got all kinds of things together. What I did was make up a list and put everybody's name on it, and I emailed it to these places," explained Smith. "And what they did was send personal letters to them. So, now the people who were not getting anything were getting Christmas gifts, and that thrilled me! They would say, 'I don't even know this person.'"
Even after she returned home, where she works now as a recruiter for the West Virginia National Guard, Staff Sgt. Smith still works to make sure soldiers stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan receive care packages and letters. And even though she was away from her family for a year and missed her oldest daughter's high school graduation, she says if her country needed her to go back, she would go. "If they told me right now that I had to go back, I would do it again!" said Smith. "I know my girls have so much more respect for me now that I did it."
Congratulations to Staff Sergeant Donna Smith with the West Virginia National Guard, this week's Billy Johnson Community Hero!

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