Monday, May 14, 2012

Local Hero Gives Tornado Victims a New Home

(May 11, 2012) - Sometimes, when a large scale disaster happens and hundreds of people are affected as with the recent eastern Kentucky tornado outbreak, it's easy for us to get overwhelmed and feel like one person can't make a difference.  However, this week's Billy Johnson Community Hero rolled up her sleeves and did make a difference to a Salyersville family.  Pikeville resident Robin Webb knew many families had lost everything, and it got her thinking.  "I thought, wouldn't it be great if there could be immediate relief for a particular family.  Maybe something on a personal level to help them maybe get into a new home," explained Webb.  "I kind of put myself in that position, and one of the first things I would have been thinking is, where am I going to live?"
     She heard about a family in Magoffin County who had lost their home through a friend on Facebook, and Robin got to work!  She used her own Facebook page to spread the word and start raising money.  She found a mobile home for sale, and "Operation Home" was born.  "I just kind of made the page and named it 'Operation Home'.  I added people on my friends list and they added people on theirs, and that's how it came about and grew from there!"
     In just over a month's time, through the Operation Home Facebook page, Robin had raised the money she needed...and then some!  "So we were not only able to buy the mobile home," she explained.  "We were able to also fill it with things to give the family some type of normalcy."
     And, just last week, thanks to some mobile home movers who donated their services, the Magoffin County family who lost everything to the deadly tornado received their new home, thanks to Robin, Operation Home and the power of social media!  So, the next time you feel like you can't make a difference, remember this story...and these words from Robin Webb, "It's not that hard for a small group of people to make a really big difference in a short amount of time!"
     Congratulations, Robin Webb, this week's Billy Johnson Community Hero!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Relay For Life Volunteer Hero

(May 3, 2012) - This week's Billy Johnson Community Hero probably spends as much time volunteering for a cause very dear to her heart as she does working at her paid job.  Jennifer Brown is in her third year as co-chair of the Relay For Life of Pike County, but has been a Relay volunteer for nearly 10 years.  Relay For Life events are held across the world each year, and are collectively, the number one fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.  And, Jennifer says she participates in Relay For Life because she has seen in her own family the results of raising money for ACS.  "Both my grandfathers had bouts with cancer.  Luckily, neither one of them were life threatening," she said.  "My living grandfather has been fighting cancer for years, and is actually on an American Cancer Society treatment.  My grandfather was touched personally by the research that ACS specifically did.  The dollars we raise here in Pike County could have been the very dollar that funded the research that saved my grandfather's life."
     As head of a committee that works all year planning the event, Jennifer is working constantly to plan fundraisers and educate our community about fighting cancer.  "Cancer is something that touches every single person.  If you haven't had it, somebody in your family, a friend or somebody in your group has been touched by cancer," explained Jennifer.  "Working with the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life, specifically, you are making a difference in people's lives.  And, hopefully making a difference in your children's and grandchildren's lives...when hopefully cancer is no longer something we have to worry about!"
     The Relay For Life of Pike County is Friday, June 8th at Bob Amos Park in Pikeville.  Congratulations, Jennifer Brown, this week's Billy Johnson Community Hero!